Patient Fees (GST inclusive)

Payable at time of consultation unless prior arrangement made effective 1st June 2024


Private Adult Student
Private 30- 60 minutes $90 $70
ACC Adult Student
ACC 30-60 minutes $40 $30

Private Pain-relief Massage

Private Adult Student
30 min massage $50 $40
45 min massage $75 $65
60 min massage $100 $90

Physio treatment with Pain-Relief Massage with Naveed Nassiry, Physio Aaron Scott & Gabby Mendoza

Private Adult Student
Private (60 minutes) $140 $120
ACC Adult Student
ACC (60 minutes) $90 $70

Shockwave Therapy

Private Adult Student
Private Initial Session $150 $90
Follow-up $60 $60
ACC Adult Student
Initial Session & Follow-up $50 $40

No show or appointment cancelled with less than one hour’s notice $20.00

From 20th July 2020 there will be a $20.00 charge for making application to ACC for additional treatments. The clinic cannot guarantee ACC will give these treatments.
Alternatively, we have a $58.00 Maintenance charge.

Taping $20.00
Tabular Support Bandage $10.00
Specialist Referral $20.00
Medical Certificate $12.00


NB: $10.00 will be added if account has to be sent
Fees maybe claimed on your medical Insurance